Prelegent:Prof. Vicenç Puig,
Automatic Control Department,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain, e-mail:
Temat:Planning, Control and Estimation of Autonomous Vehicles using LPV Approach
Abstract: This talk will present some recent results regarding the application of the LPV approach to the planning, control and estimation of autonomous vehicles. In particular, the talk will show how by means of the LPV approach the modelling of autonomous vehicles (including both kinematic and dynamic equations) can be addressed both from a physical perspective and by using data-based learning techniques. Then, using the LPV representation of the vehicle, efficient planning and control implementation based on MPC and LMIs will be presented. The problem of state estimation for control and SLAM will also be addressed using Kalman LPV filters designed in the LMI framework. The inclusion of uncertainty in the modelling using sets (zonotopes) will also be illustrated. Finally, the extension of the proposed approaches to deal with learning-based algorithms that allow to estimate the vehicle model (dynamic part) from data is presented. The algorithms will be illustrated using high-fidelity simulators and small scale/real size vehicles.